Methanon 10

Methandienone, commonly available in tablet form, is a favored choice among athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Also known as Dianabol, this compound is renowned for its potential to accelerate muscle growth and strength.

Athletes often incorporate Methandienone into their routines to help achieve their goals, enhance performance, and optimize their training outcomes.



Pharmacological category:
Anabolic-androgenic steroid

Mechanism of medicine action:
Methandienone functions by binding and activating the androgen receptor (AR), resulting in significant increases in protein synthesis, glycogenolysis, and muscle strength within a short timeframe. While it can be converted into a more potent Androgenic-anabolic steroid (AAS), methyl-1-testosterone (17α-methyl-δ1-DHT), by the enzyme 5α-reductase, the drug has a minimal affinity for this enzyme and thus produces only negligible amounts of methyl-1-testosterone. Consequently, drugs like finasteride and dutasteride, which are 5α-reductase inhibitors, are ineffective in reducing the androgenic effects of methandienone.

Side effects:
Oily skin, acne, seborrhea, increased facial/body hair growth, scalp hair loss, and virilization are all possible androgenic adverse effects. Gynecomastia and fluid retention are two estrogen-related adverse effects that might develop. There are case reports of gynecomastia. Metandienone, like other 17-alkylated steroids, has a risk of hepatotoxicity, and if used for an extended period of time without proper safeguards, it can cause liver damage.

The lowest dose of Methandienone you’ll find is 15 mg on average. People who have previously used Methandienone tend to raise the dosage by 5 to 10 mg every cycle. Even for the most experienced users, exceeding Methandienone 50 mg is not recommended due to the fast increase in the severity of the negative effects.


Active substance






100 tab