Testonon C 200

The pharmacokinetics of Testosterone Cypionate via depot intramuscular injection, including its elimination half-life and duration of action, is said to be extremely comparable to and hence essentially the same as those of testosterone enanthate.

However, it is Testosterone Cypionate that has become the most popular among athletes in the USA, who believe that it has a more noticeable effect.



Pharmacological category:
Anabolic-androgenic steroid

Anabolic activity index: 100%
Androgenic activity index: 100%

Mechanism of medicine action:
Testosterone Cypionate’s pharmacokinetics, including its elimination half-life and duration of effect, are considered to be quite similar to, and thus virtually the same as, those of testosterone enanthate when administered through depot intramuscular injection. As drugs, testosterone cypionate and testosterone enanthate are regarded “functionally interchangeable”. Testosterone Cypionate has a 15-day elimination half-life and an 8.5-day mean residence time, and it’s only given once a week.

Side effects:
Many athletes suffer from severe acne while taking Testosterone. Gynecomastia is a common side effect, hence antiestrogens must be used during Cypionate-based courses (this applies to all testosterone esters). Testicular shrinkage, decreased spermatogenesis, increased aggression, voice alterations, increased sexual desire, and blood pressure are some of the other negative effects.

Testosterone Cypionate is administered by intramuscular injection. It must not be given intravenously. Intramuscular injections should be given deep in the gluteal muscle.
Effective dose: 200-600 mg per week.


Active substance




10 ml


Oil solution